Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Wedding Unity Heart Shaped Sand Ceremony Vase Set

Wedding Unity Heart Shaped Sand Ceremony Vase Set

 The heart unity sand ceremony is another way to make a sand ceremony even more meaningful. By adding a third vase you are able to add another symbolic element to this event. Incorporate your priest, child or have the third vase represent your shared spiritual beliefs. The engravable central bottle, with glass stopper, creates a beautiful reminder that will preserve the moment for years to come. 
This 6 piece set includes a heart shaped bottle with glass stopper, 2 large heart vases, 1 small heart vase and 1 metal display stand. Sand in your choice of color sold separately.

1 Heart Shaped Bottle with Glass Stopper
  7" H
2 Large Heart Vases
  9 3/4" H
1 Small Heart Vase
  8 1/2" H
1 Metal Stand
  4 1/2" H

Visit us at http://www.supergiftplace.com

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Planning Corporate Events Using the 5 W's

By Shirley Lee

Many organizations plan events yearly or for special occasions, such as anniversaries or for holidays. These events may be highly successful or they could turn out as a flop when it comes to meeting the goal for holding the event. Event success can often be determined by appropriate planning and decision making. To aid in the success of future events, below are five questions to consider when planning an event.

  1. Why should an event be held? This question helps to determine goals, possible outcomes and establishes an overall theme for the event. Once the purpose of the event is established, a budget must be determined to pay for the event, and travel costs must be considered as well. Knowing the event budget and goals before continuing with planning will help to keep the event within the desired scope. Never lose sight of the event goal; even if the budget does not allow for everything, there may be acceptable alternatives, so brainstorm along the way to meet all the event requirements.
  2. What needs to happen at the event? Asking this and brainstorming answers is the first step in creating an agenda for the day(s) of activity. The next step would be developing a project plan for event assignments that include pre- and post tasks as well as the event actions. Will there be speakers, announcements, videos, presentations, exhibits, meals, breaks, recognition or award ceremonies, team-building, fun interactive activities, break out training or discussion sessions? Determine if any particular equipment or room set-ups may be necessary to facilitate portions of the event. Decide what type of print materials may need to be available for the event, then begin putting that together and arranging appropriate copies and communications.
  3. Who should be invited to the event? Is it for a particular department, a set of executives, one or more work teams, individuals who achieved something or the entire company? Would this event be something to consider inviting key or potential customers and vendors to? Consider whether a keynote speaker or other special speakers should be part of the event, also, whether people with special skills such as event planners, coordinators, moderators or facilitators are needed for the success of the event or if this can be done in-house. If someone with speaker or special skills is needed, determine how arrangements for them get made and how this might impact the budget. Also, decide what communications need to be sent to those attending or working at the event, plus what follow-up is required and what the deadlines should be. 
  4. When would be the best date(s) and times for holding the event? Determine the length of time required to accomplish the event goals, and then select three preferred date options to allow for finding a location. The event may be a half day, full day or over several days. Advance planning makes it more likely to get the perfect location for the event during the preferred time period. As soon as the date is set, start sending communication to potential attendees so they can put it on their calendars. Then continue sending monthly reminders with new tidbits about the event to maintain their interest in attending. Be sure to send a final date/time/location reminder two to five business days before the event
  5. Where is the event to be held? After determining the happenings and attendance, a location that meets all the needs plus catering options can be selected. Consider whether the event should be held in the local area if it is a short time period and where most attendees are located. Be sure to consider travel requirements and communicate any special instructions for getting to the location for locals and others outside the area. If the event is multiple days and the selected location is away from the work area, after-hours activities or entertainment may also need to be considered. Before selecting a location, also determine if some activities are to be done outside or if everything will be done indoors.

To make an organizational event successful, whether it is for a special occasion or a yearly event, start with the five questions above when planning. These questions and associated planning should increase the chances of an event successfully meeting the organization's goal instead of being a flop where people after the event did not know why they spent their valuable time there.

Shirley Fine Lee has considerable training and expertise in leading effective meetings and projects as well as training others within the corporate world to be able to do the same. Her boom "R.A! R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach," is a much-needed guide to planning and conducting meetings so that they are as productive, effectual and smoothly run as possible. Find out more about her, her books and learning options she provides on her website.

Article Source

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Latest Wedding Grooms Hairstyles

By Betty Among

A wedding is not a day for the bride. The groom too must be part of it all the way. Imagine the sight of a well groomed couple walking down the aisle. Guys, you too can look elegant if you put effort into preparing and caring about your looks especially your hair and clothes. As far as hair is concerned, most grooms choose the easiest way out-cutting it all off. While this may be safe choice for groom, you can think of an alternative which cab be a wonderful surprise for her. For as long as you look stylish and elegant, go for a hair do that suits your face and shape of head. Here are some tips to guide you;

Long face (Dog Face)
A groom  with a dog face can try out the Mohawk hairstyle, This  hairstyle is also known has ‘stamina hair cut’. If the groom is the kind who always spots a clean shaven head, he can settle for a brush comb Mohawk for his wedding day.

Puff Daddy

Mose Kyaligonza, a barber at Ultra Salon advises a groom with a dog face to try out the hip hop hair cut (Puff Daddy) with curls.

A groom with a cat face can also try out the ‘puff Daddy’ hairstyle with round curls used and only at the top of the head, according to Martin Mutebi, a hair stylist and barber from Hair Lounge Unisex salon.

The Box cut
Though an old style, a groom can still look good, especially if the cut is done by a professional barber, says Mutebi.

Shaba Ranks Cut
For the daring and stylish dog-faced grooms, Kyaligonza advise the Shaba ranks hair cut. It is close to the Mohawk hair cut, only that one side is clean shaven while the other side is sharpened towards the front.

Cornrows and dreadlocks can work for daring and stylish grooms. However, be aware that some churches like the Seventh Day Adventists forbid grooms from wearing dreads. So if you intend to have dreadlocks, find out if there will be any restrictions for you.

Big Afro Hair
Big Afro hair overshadows the face as the head takes the attention. Mutebi advises grooms with big heads to avoid this hairstyle as it may make them appear disproportionate with big head and smaller body.

Cat Face
Joseph Kato, a hairstylist at the hair clinic, says a groom with a cat face can waer an afro hair cut, but that the afro should be trimmed in a round shape to match with the face shape.

He says that for a cat-faced groom who has been growing his hair but does not want to wear an afro, cornrows or dreadlocks can work for him if he is comfortable, with them. lf he is not comfortable , then the other option is trim  the hair to an even level , Kato advices .
Kyaligonza notes that a well- trimmed even hair cut goes well with side bans or Craig David’s beard trim commonly known as ‘Channel O
 The groom can be more daring, and go for a clean shave (marine hair cut), which is also very advisable for cat-faced grooms,” Kato says.

‘Edged’ Head And Saggy Skin
Kyaligonza says that for a groom with a saggy skin scalp, the best style for them is the    ‘three- layers hair cut.’ He explains that this hair cut is a clean shave at the first layer down, then a tight shave at the second, and finally a brush comb length at the third layer .He says these three layers help to cover up the saggy skin .
 For a head with ‘edges’, Kato advises growing hair to at least two inches so that the edge may not be very visible. With the help of a professional hair dresser, such a groom can then choose to wear an afro , dreadlocks, or cornrows.

Bald Head
 “The are hardly any choice for a groom with a pronounced bald head. The best hair cut for him is the marine cut,” Kato notes.

Hair Care Tips
A groom –to –be to visit the saloon at least three times before the wedding to have his hair, eyebrows and beard washed , shampooed , conditioned, treated and re-trimmed to level
For the wavy or curly hair cuts ,the groom must be give n special curl oils and sprays like olive spray s like olive spray, gel or other curl activating oils to keep the curls in place.
For grooms with edged or saggy heads, who want to grow their hair before the wedding .He says they should seek advise  from a professional hair stylist on what hair products to use to help induce fast hair growth

For the groom wearing either cornrows or dreads for the first time should have the hair done a day before the wedding. T hose who already have dreads should have dreads should have them repaired or treated a day to the wedding.

5 Beauty Tips for African-American Brides-to-be

The engagement period is usually a time for planning the wedding logistics, but it's also a time for the bride to step it up in the health and beauty departments. Check out these steps to follow so you look clear, radiant and beautiful on your special day:

1. Look at yourself from the inside out. It's a good idea to observe your body type. Many brides diet before their big day. So, if you're planning to drop a few pounds to fit comfortably into your dream gown, begin a regular exercise routine at a local gym. This has other benefits besides losing weight: 1) You'll be well on your way to better circulation (which will help your skin from the inside out); and 2) When you workout, you sweat, which eliminates lymphatic fluid and toxins, your body's method of naturally cleansing your skin. And not only will you look better, you'll feel better from your body's natural increase of endorphins (aka the "feel good" hormone).

2. Observe your skin's condition from head to toe. Taking care of your hair is a must. Some African-American hair tends to be dry, so be sure to moisturize your scalp and hair on a daily basis. And if you're wearing braids or weave, be sure your scalp is thoroughly conditioned, and see your hair stylist regularly to keep your hair healthy.

3. Be conscious of what you're putting into your body. As the saying goes, "You are what you eat." Your skin reflects what you eat and drink. According to some studies, eating essential fatty acid found in foods like salmon, tuna, nuts and seeds creates a huge benefit, enhancing the condition of hair and skin. General good health can be improved by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes and drinking six to eight glasses of water daily. Also, don't over-indulge in junk food, but at the same time, don't deprive yourself. A small treat, while remembering portion control, is key.

4. Caffeine. Drink caffeine in moderation, and drink only one cup of coffee per morning. And drinking half decaf and half regular is a plus!

5. Cut back on alcohol consumption. Planning a wedding is full of special events along the way that frequently involve alcohol. But, keep in mind that alcohol can cause your skin to become dehydrated, which can cause a wrinkled appearance. With that said, drink in moderation.

Need more tips? Check out our source!

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Perfect Groomsmen Wedding Gift

Mix Golf + BBQ to create the perfect guy gift. This golf themed BBQ tool set comes complete with golf grip handles.

Latest Bridal/Wedding Salon Services

By Julie Ndagire
Brides and grooms need extra care and time pampering. Owing to the stress that comes with planning a wedding, there is need for pampering to look relaxed and healthy on the wedding day. Below is what you need to do.

Choose a convenient Salon
Irene Ditsi, the managing director of Nadia’s salon highlights the importance of choosing a salon six months before the wedding. This will enable you to familiarize yourself with the beauticians there so they can study you and know exactly what you need. “It will also give you enough to do trials of makeup, hairstyles and skin treatments in case the skin needs special care,” says Ditsi.

Facial Treatment
A facial treatment can guarantee your facial skin deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration which helps to unclog the pores and get rid of deep seated dirt and impurities that affect the overall health and appearance of your skin.

Your skin type determines whether or not you need a facial treatment, according to Diisi. If you need it then to have a time allowance before the wedding because at times the chemicals used may react and it will only need cleansing and toning. Go to a qualified beautician who will know your skin type and work on it accordingly.

Make up
A bride needs to try out the make-up at least a month before her wedding to make sure a beautician uses the proper shade for her skin.

Body mask and scrubs
Julie Tuhaise, a beautician at combing Attractions, advises brides and grooms to start on facial masks atleast a month to the wedding especially if you have not been applying them. “Since some skins are sensitive, one need to start on masks early enough soo that irritations can be controlled, Tuhaise advises.

A body mask helps in firming the skin while a body scrub removes the dead skin and toxins and makes the skin glow and bright. A bride should do the mask and scrub twice a week or month depending on the skin type and her budget.

A massage helps one’s muscles and body relax. Running up and down while organizing your wedding stresses you and therefore a massage to relax your muscles once a week will make you feel fresh.

Experts believe that your body releases a hormone that makes you happy called endorphin when you are in your most relaxed state.

Manicure and Pedicure
A foot scrub helps to soften the skin of the feet. Women need it more than men. Women wear open shoes most of the time which makes their feet hard. Men wear closed shoes often and may not need a foot scrub. “When you soak your feet in water do not over scrub them because you will be taking off both the wanted and unwanted skin which protects your feet and this may expose you to diseases. Just use a sponge at home or a very soft scrubber or pumice stone and then moisturize them.”
Diisi advises brides to do a French manicure because it looks smart and can match with any shoe and outfit.

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

How To Choose A Bridal Salon

By Betty Among
Have you witnessed a bride throwing an almighty tantrum in the salon on the morning of her wedding ? Could she just be spoiled ? Abridezilla perhaps ? Well, it could be none of the aforementioned. There is a possibity that the stylist is not getting it right, and for any number of reasons. The saloon plays a big role on the wedding day because it will dertermine how you will turn out visually ; and you do want to turn out beautifully and stun everybody, do you  not ? Consider the following when choosing the saloon:

Location and setup.
Is the location close to your venue for the ceremony ? You do not want to risk being caught up in traffic and arrive late for the ceremony. Is the parking lot ample enough to accomadate  cars for the bridal party and for there other key people invited with the saloon preons for the day?
If you intend to dressup in the saloon , is the space adequate? Is there a dressing room fitted with full-length mirror?

I once witnessed a salon operator unscrupulously mixing up a superior hair product with an inferior one to get more volume .There are also cases of cheaper  products being re-packaged in discarded containers of more 'upmarket" product,and being sold as such to unsuspecting clients.This can result in serious damage to your hair and scalp.

Be vigilant and take the trouble to find out what products the salon uses and  if they are appropriate for you.
This goes back to sticking with service providers that you have worked with on a regular basis. It will be easier to take them to task than with a completely new person.

The existing salons today are almost too many to count . It is not obviously the case that a big and seemingly fully equipped salon will provide the best service; neither does it automatically mean that a smaller modest salon implies suspiciously poor service .Both can deliver the great service you desire as long as you desire as long as you know what you  are looking for.

Stylist, Makeup Artists and Nail Technicians
These are probably the most important aspects to consider when picking out a salon because they will determine the end result.
The wise thing to do is to work with regular salon .There is no need to tryout some new swanky place that may be trending at that moment. Stick with the people who know your hair and skin and guide them on any special details you would like to add.

A clean salon will provide the ambience for a good start to your day. Does the salon keep clean towels? is the floor regurlary mopped in between clients?Are the restrooms up to scratch?

Before you make your booking , ensure the salon is not overbooked . it can be very disheartening on your wedding day to see your stylist fitting around from one bridal party to the next. Insist on knowing how many other brides are booked on the  same day or at the same time as you are, and then you can make an informed decision.

Pre-Day Services
We all need extra pampering towards our weddings, so that we turn out our best. A good salon should make a pre- wedding plan for you and offer you a package  involving hair, skin and nail treatments starting at least three months to the day.